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讲座题目:Sustainability and Food Product Development
  主 讲 人:Dr Garry Weeks
  时   间: 4月13日周五下午13:30-15:00
  地   点:食品楼412
  Reasons for new product development
  Sustainability Awareness
  What is sustainable food?
  Opportunities for new “Sustainable” product development
  When developing a “Sustainable food product”?
  What are the development considerations?
  Introduction to the Food and Drink Sector and Core Skill Integration Development

  Garry is the Head of Department for Science and Head of Teesside Universities Food Academy. His research interest’s focus on food behaviors in and he is currently working with Middlesbrough Council and Middlesbrough Environmental City on a range of social enterprise projects focusing on food sustainability and nutrition. Garry teaches on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules including Food Safety and the Law and Food Safety Engineering.